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Re: Re[10]: Carroll Smith's Books

Subject: Re: Re[10]: Carroll Smith's Books
From: Tor Hval <>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 12:58:02 +0200 (MET DST)
>      Tor,
>      I'm just realizing what an unusual car you have for Norway and how 
>      unusual you and yor father are.
I have been told that there is just one other Lotus Elan dhc (type 45)in
Norway. There are also a few fhc, and some +2's(the +2's are the most
numerous of the Elans).
>      Come to think of it, I never have heard of the Grand Prix of Norway.  :-)
Neighter have I. But there was made one puppet movie, an all time
Norwegian classic, called "Flåklypa Grand Prix"(I think the english title
is "Pinchcliffe Grand Prix"), all Norwegians has seen it at least a
zillion times.(I think it is the most popular norwegian made film ever, it
is still shown at the cinemas from time to time, more than 20 years after
its release) :-)

Tor Hval <>

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