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oh yes, it will be red.....

Subject: oh yes, it will be red.....
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 21:20:32 EST
For all:
Finally, after  one year and 3 months, the moment
of truth is near.  The paint curtains are down,
the dust is gone, the last coat of primer awaits
a gentle wetsanding and a gallon of 
final kleen is should be in the
70s on thursday......and that is the day I
will shoot the car (with paint)

I will post details of the paint, 
additives, technique, color code,
etc, along with pictures if it comes
out well.  If it turns to a POS, well
then, I will just be very quiet on this
list for awhile.....
After the paint, it should go pretty fast
putting the car back together the rest of the
way, I have accumulated and refurbished all
the rest of the parts...well you can never say
"all" the parts....
pushrod 2L
Chesapeake Va

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