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Re: foam

Subject: Re: foam
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 13:55:48 +0000
Elephants eat peanuts.  Why not go down the food chain a 
bit and just put an elephant in the car?  It would keep 
all four tires firmly planted in the corners and 
drastically decrease body roll.  If you got stuck in the 
mud or a tree blocked the road you would have no 
problems.  Just use your Built-in Heavy Lifting and 
Pulling Stiffening Device(BHLPSD).

> I have an idea on stiffening the roadster with foam, and it's reversible if
> you don't like the results.  Buy a large amount of those Styrofoam "peanuts"
> and pack your trunk full of them.  Get someone to sit on your trunk lid to
> squash them tight, and run a tiedown or rope around the rear of the car to
> hold the trunk closed.  Instant stiffness!! To stiffen the cowl area take
> the fresh air grill off and stuff the peanuts down the inside of the fender
> through the grill opening.  Of course, you can fill the cockpit with
> peanuts, but I imagine they would blow away with the top down.  Picture in
> your mind a roadster screaming around a road course trailing a stream of
> peanuts.  Quite a sight!!
> Leisure Suit Terry

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