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Re: Fiberglass body panels

Subject: Re: Fiberglass body panels
From: "Mike Faggart" <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 16:40:35 -0400
Marc, I know of a guy here in NC that is looking into making "stock" panels 
for our cars.  I can let the list know if and when it happens!

Mike Faggart

>From: "Seal, Marc" <>
>Reply-To: "Seal, Marc" <>
>To: "'Roadster Support Group'" <>
>Subject: Fiberglass body panels
>Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 15:23:43 -0400
>Does anyone make fiberglass body panels....Front fenders, hood etc.?
>Marc A. Seal
>National Account Manager
>Southwestern and Western Regions - IBM Relationship
>Datatec Systems, Inc.
>Ofc: (972) 578-5798 x 206
>Cell: (972) 345-2462
>Fax: (972) 578-7080


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