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Re: OK, it's a acronyms!

Subject: Re: OK, it's a acronyms!
From: "Jim Cawrse" <>
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2003 16:00:40 +0000
Well, having just retired from the Navy after
21 years last summer, I have a few favorites....
ESABATM: Eat Sh*& and bark at the moon
JPF:  Just Plain Fu*&^d
BTFOOM: Beats the F(*K out of me!
FOADAH: F%$k off and die, a##hole
...there are more, I will think of them
in due time...if I dont get out and finish
stripping the parts car and get it out of
the driveway, I will be JPF.

Best Regards,
Chesapeake, Virginia

>From: "stebharvey" <>
>Reply-To: "stebharvey" <>
>To: "Fred Schroeder" <>,   "Leonard Sprague"  
><>,   "Datsun Roadsters List  \(E-mail\)"  
>Subject: Re: OK, it's a joke...but
>Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2003 09:42:11 -0600
> > <SNIP> My favorite in the Army was RTFM (read the f&#%ing manual!).
> >
> > Speaking of the Army, FUBAR and REMF come to mind."
>In the Navy Reserves we had "FUBIJAR".   F@#$ you buddy, I'm just a
>reservist! When we would deploy for our 2 week active duty we worked with
>regular Navy squadrons. They always treated us as red headed step children
>when we first arrived. After a few days they would start to see little
>things like that we could change an aircraft engine in a 1/4 of the time
>they could do it. They would start to ask us how we do that. The answer is:
>Well these 4 engine mechanics have a total mech time of 80 years. They have
>changed these engine hundreds of times and can do it in their sleep. Your
>four mechanics have a total of 8 years experience. Do the math. We always
>left the active duty folks with them having a new found respect for those
>old reservists. Now that a great part of our military are reservists, rest
>assured that they can and will do a job that we all can be proud of.
>Steve Harvey


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