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Pinging resolved!

To: "Datsun Team" <>
Subject: Pinging resolved!
From: "Jon and Maggie" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 13:18:02 -0700
Hey Team!

I'm off to Leavenworth!  Figured this little conundrum out (with lots of help
from the list!).  Was it fuel or was it the distributor?

Well, everything lead me to believe I had a fuel problem - clogged lines - and
replacing my filters will do nothing but minimize this problem in the future.
Also, I decided it would be a good idea to carry a few extra's.

The fact that it was pinging kept me thinking about the distributor.  Tom
Hendricksen's issues with his car and his recap to me today also kept me
thinking.  However, with Gary's distributor, there is no condenser.  But,
while the fuel was drying off the vehicle (I pulled off all the lines) I
decided to have a closer look.  Popped of the cap and noticed that I had a far
amount of carbon build up on the contacts in the cap.  Must of started the
last time I cleaned my engine (I always pull all wires and bag it) - I've only
seen this when dampness gets into the distributor.  Additionally the 2 wire
pug to the distributor seemed a little loose so I bent the tangs slightly to
give me a closer fit.

Hooked up the fuel lines - took her for a spin and she runs Fine!  Of course,
I'm going to carry a full tool box on this first little run over the
mountains.  There was enough carbon build up with the cap that I think this
was the problem but I'll be watching those wires too.  Sometimes it's the
simple stuff that gets you - I should have probably gone here sooner.

Maybe Allen and I might even meet up at Gustav's for a beer or burger!

Thanks Everyone

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