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Re: spindle lock plate - front suspension

To: datsun_sports <>,
Subject: Re: spindle lock plate - front suspension
From: "datsun" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 10:39:52 -0800 (PST)
    No, you won't hurt anything.
     I am only going to speak from my experiance in the following, it is only 
my experiance. It is what I found in doing this job.  If it rings true use it, 
if not throw it away.
    Here goes: Overtightening the bushings can have the action of pulling 
against the spindle threads thus binding the assembly. I have not always 
encountered this on every car I renewed these parts with. I found that if I 
loosened one side or the other that it would free up the assembly. How loose is 
too loose? This is where the plate lock comes in. When you find the "sweet 
spot"" where everything moves freely bend the tabs over to keep the bushing in 
place, the plate lock indexes to the a-arm.
     I performed this on my personal vehicle and drove it daily for six years 
without a issue. That's about 60,000 miles. You may have a different experiance 
and their maybe other contributing info here on the list that I am not aware of 
to assist you with this job. Just some of my thoughts. Dean

datsun_sports <> wrote:
hey guys,

I need someone to give me a judgment call. I asked the question about my
upper a-arms and dean helped me out. he mentioned the lock plates however I
realized I forgot to install them. can I back the bushings out and install
them without hurting the new parts. do I really need them?



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