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RE: To tow, or trailer?

To: "Acme Home Sales" <>,
Subject: RE: To tow, or trailer?
From: "Acme Home Sales" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 17:45:05 -0700
That was kind of interesting.  Somehow
my signature came out under Tim's
original e-mail and my text was not
there at all.  Let's try this again.

What I meant to say was that after
towing my roadster about 1000 miles to
home with tires that had been stored on
the car for at least 15 years I replaced
the wheels and tires with alloy wheels
and new tires.  One of the old tires
that was on the front of the car (rear
on the dolly) exploded in the sunlight
sitting beside my garage.  I have a
picture of this tire on my web site as
part of my suggestion that you always
use a trailer.

69 2000 "Mr. Hyde"
Portland, Oregon

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