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Re: Fuel Hu - how to clean fuel lines and gas tank?

Subject: Re: Fuel Hu - how to clean fuel lines and gas tank?
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 01:03:24 +0000
Depends on the year- the cap's vented until 1970.

If you have a return- system car, the non- return valve on the back carb can be 
broken, which will allow fuel to return to the tank in overlarge quantities- in 
the worst case, the thing will start a siphon when running uphill so that the 
carbs'll be completely dry.


> Here's the problem:  After about 20 minutes of waking up the neighborhood (no 
> muffler yet) the fuel ran dry.  First, I looked in the tank - when I removed 
> gas cap there was a suction fit.  Then I looked at the filter, bone dry, and 
> rusty.  
> I'm guessing that some breathing line or fuel line is clogged with rust.  
> about 20 minutes of sucking fuel into my mouth and spitting it onto the 
> the car started back up and I was able to get home.
> Ideas?
> Nathaniel

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