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The History Channel "Great Race" 2000

Subject: The History Channel "Great Race" 2000
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 14:40:52 EDT
Friends of Triumph and Team Thicko

Check the website out. We have a TR3 represented in the subject annual 

Apparently, "The Great Race" folks opened up the window a bit wider on 

It is Steve and Janet Hedke. I have asked them if they would like our 
support, if needed. In any case, they will be passing by many of you enroute 
from Boston to Sacramento.  This occurs from the 11th through the 24th of 
June and many of you may want to catch up with them and cheer them on. 
Perhaps they will be carrying a laptop and sending messages and we can induce 
them to include our two  "list" addresses.

We and many others will be at Blackhawk when they come through Illinois and 
Iowa, unfortunately. 

They also have a website, but the address got away from me...I am sure it 
will find it's way back to me.

Best Regards,

Joe Alexander

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