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Sebring questions

Subject: Sebring questions
From: "Jack W. Drews" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 16:52:51 -0600
uncle jack's questions about Sebring.............

Why is it that traffic in the South moves at 85 to 90 around curves and
down hills, while out here on the straight roads between the cornfilelds
if you go over 70 the Speed Nazis get you?

Why is it that all the girls in Florida in March wear less clothes than
the girls in Illinois and Wisconsin?

Why is it that I no longer hear Joe snore while we are sleeping on the
floor of Bob Youngdahl's car hauler trailer? Did Joe really stop

How do the really fast teams hook up those neon lights that make their
brake rotors light up at night?

Whose car went up in the explosion at race end that for all the world
looked like fireworks?

Howcome those race cars have that three years'  season's worth of tires
in the pits?

Why is it that I can remember the proper rules for uses of apostrophes
but cannot remember why we were watching the girls?

Why was it that when we lit all the candles for Bill Dentinger's
birthday cake, Glen Effinger went running to put the cap on the gas

Why do those crazy fools drive around at night, making obscene noises
with their cars, when they could be watching girls?

Finally, does anybody know if the Speed channel is re-running the race?
I'd kind of like to see some of it. The last time I saw some of it was
watching it on satellite TV at Steve Benford's family's RV's satellite
TV. You all know Steve, of course -- he's the guy whose mother is dating
Bob Tullius -- honest.


uncle jack, carfreak #1

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