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RE: Yoko tire prssures

To: kas kastner <>,
Subject: RE: Yoko tire prssures
From: Bill Babcock <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 17:11:34 -0700
Higher pressure than you need equals hotter in the middle of the tire, for

I used to run 22 pounds in each corner with Yoko A008's, but I don't know if
that would translate. I have a standard process for getting the right tire
pressure--but it's a lot of work. 

You start low--very low in fact. Probably 18 pounds. Take the car to a
convenient skid pad--like the parking lot of our company on a Sunday
afternoon. Bring a big box of Krispy Kremes in case the cops show up. Set
toe in to zero. Crank the car around and round in one direction for about
ten laps as fast as you can manage and read the temps on all tires. Reverse
direction, read temps. If the edges are hotter than the center, increase
pressure a pound or so. Lather, rinse, repeat until the center temp is close
to the average of the inside and outside edge. 

This is also a good opportunity to check camber. Once you have a pressure
you like, adjust camber until the temperature across the tire is reasonably
close. Reset toe in to 0 every time you change camber. If you're going to
just race the car, keep the toe at 0 or even slightly out. If you're going
to drive it on the street as well, then toe in just a little. Some people
like a lot of toe in so their car feels like it turns in quickly. You can
recognize them by the inward-sweeping feathers on the tread blocks and their
position in mid pack. 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of kas kastner
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Yoko tire prssures

  Forgot to mention he is in Germany and the Yoko number might not mean
anything to us here.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: kas kastner
    Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 3:44 PM
    Subject: Yoko tire pressures

    I have a friend that is going to his first race (ever) with his TR-4.
He has fitted Yoko 205/55/15 AO 32 tires. He needs a recommendation on a
starting pressure.  Pretty much stock suspension and engine slightly
modified. The Yoko people told him that higher pressure gave higher temps
and that is contrary to anything I've ever experienced.

    "Never be beaten by Equipment"
    Kas Kastner

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