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Re: [Fot] All Alluminum Tour is Over

Subject: Re: [Fot] All Alluminum Tour is Over
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 22:40:43 EDT
In a message dated 9/9/07 4:54:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 


Racing has certainly changed down through the decades.  It use to be for the 
SPORT, and the overtaking car was responsible for safely passing the person 
being overtaken, even if he had to slow down.  Now it appears that the faster 
cars have an open season to fly along as fast as they can under any condition, 
and when they hit someone, it is the other guy's fault -- the one who got hit.  
"He cut me off!"  "He didn't give me racing room!" On and on.

Sometimes, it appears that the safety stewards and race officials want to see 
more shrapnel fly to put on a better show for the audience.  Someone gave me 
a tape of the E-Production race at the Runoffs last year.  Before the end of 
the race, it appeared that about half of the cars were smashed up and off the 

In this area, the Sports Racer Ford drivers own the tracks, and anyone else 
out there with them are second class citizens.  About 90% of all of the whining 
and bitching at any event seems to come from these SRF drivers.

We just got back from spending a week in Portland.  I had seen a show on the 
History Channel about Portland Underground, which was very interesting.  The 
tour that we got on was somewhat disappointing.  Most of the tunnels had been 
blocked off due to crooks using them to enter and rob buildings.

This coming weekend, I will be driving from Pittsburgh to Williamsport, PA to 
help my boy with his TR-7.  He will try to race it at Watkins Glen this 
weekend.  I hope that he has better luck than he did the last time he was at 
Watkins Glen.  He got knocked off of the track in his RX-7 Mazda, and went 
down over the hill hitting a guard rail.  His Mazda was trashed out of 

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