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Re: Got some useful data

To: Todd Green <>
Subject: Re: Got some useful data
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 10:24:37 -0700
When recording with GEEZ on a laptop, we compare the AutoStart/Stop 
threshholds to the vector.  When recording with a Palm, the poor little 
thing can't do that and keep up, so we use the absolute value of the 
longitudinal g's as our triggers.  We've found no ugly side effects from 
this, though it's likely that someone who studied the difference closely 
could detect the difference and adjust his threshholds differently from 
Palm to Laptop.

It's also significant to point out that in both cases, laptop and Palm, 
the triggers are compared *prior* to smoothing, so it's possible to trip 
a trigger yet have the final run display values just outside of trigger 
range.  This indicates the peak that caused (or canceled) the trigger 
was smoothed out prior to display, but was nonetheless real.


Todd Green wrote:
> >I suggest setting the Autostart threshhold pretty high, as long as you
> >know you'll hit it.  For instance, I typically use 0.40 - 0.45 on my
> >Miata.  For AutoStop, I set to 0.05g's for 3 seconds.  This shorter cut
> How do you calculate g's for this application?
>     vector(lat,long)
>     min(lat,long) (for starting)
>     max(lat,long) (for stopping)
> Just curious,
> Todd

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