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Re: New England Events

To: davidwjones <davidwjones@cox.net>
Subject: Re: New England Events
From: Charlie Baldwin <ewsinc@suscom.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:24:18 -0400
Go to http://www.mgcars.org.uk/events/eventusa.html for a generally 
British car event calendar.  Check back often as organizing clubs get 
their plans formalized for events later in the summer.
Hemmings Motor News also has an events calendar, but it would include 
also the ones that you aren't interested in.  It does have the advantage 
that it is regionalized.  Try 
http://www.hemmings.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/events.main.  However, 
sometimes you can find a small show out in the country somewhere that is 
a nice drive.  There may not be many British cars there, but sometimes 
those are a lot of fun and it also exposes the rest of the hobby to our 

davidwjones wrote:

>Is there a site or sites that I can go to, to get a comprehensive list of  New
>England area British car AND Austin Healey events?
>IE any and all shows / meets / events where an AH would be welcomed?  (Not
>interested in Rod and custom, all American etc).
>I've had trouble the last couple of years not knowing about events until after
>the fact.
>David W. Jones
>'62 Mk II BT7 tricarb
>Cumberland, RI USA

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