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Another chat server for landracing

To: LSR <>
Subject: Another chat server for landracing
From: jon amo <>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 22:28:25 -0600

Due to the problems with the current chat server, I am once again going
to try another chat program, I do not know how well it will work, but
please take a look before chat Tuesday night and register yourself a
name and password.
The link you can take to the chat page is as follows

This is also a JAVA chat, but it much simpler code and should run 10
times faster, load 10 times faster than the other chat servers I have
had. The old chat servers I liked for the nice little nicks and nacks,
this is just a simple chat server and do the job fine and fast.

Take a look during the day and register before the evening so you can
get in with no problems.

Jonathan Amo

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