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Re;$900 of Diesel Fuel

Subject: Re;$900 of Diesel Fuel
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 19:36:01 EDT
"Regular gas is jumping up here in Tidewater Virginia today.  $3.29-3.39.
The public has been prepared for a jump by the press, and the oil
companies are going to give it to us.  Can't blame 'em, they don't know
what's coming tomorrow and they have to snatch and grab today.  BH"
I realize it's capitalism at it's slimiest, supply and demand, ad nauseum, 
BUT Places that jack up the prices $. 50 @ day on gas they purchased last week 
to make a quick gouge DO NOT drop the prices similarly when the prices drop 
(next week )? It is totally legal, but if it were flashlight batteries or fresh 
water, the local politicos would be on it like a bum on a baloney sandwich. 
Every Labor Day weekend this happens, followed by the usual news hype and it's 
all gone by October. Thank goodness I race a Fuel efficient car. LOL
Bob, AAArrGGhhhh !, W

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