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My plans for the tunnel.

To: "land-speed submit" <>
Subject: My plans for the tunnel.
From: "3 liter" <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2006 18:04:29 -0700
Well you haven't mentioned anything about tufting but I can't imagine any
tunnel work without it. Bring a big ball of black yarn. Since you are a
pilot you know the drill.

An excellent comment was mentioned earlier on the list about a "static"
scoop test. I would think tufting all around the scoop would be extremely
valuable, but especially right near the front entrance. I can't tell how you
how to make the test "dynamic", but maybe hooking up a weed blower or
sumptin (inside) for suction, with a way to modulate the CFM to simulate
your max motor CFM, would be desirable. Tufting may effect laminar flow so
the tunnel scales might be off on a tufting run. However, the visual
education would still make it a valuable run.  Since you want to experiment
with deflecting the air stream over the roll cage, (i.e., test no. 3)
tufting the top of the bars will tell you a lot.  Looks like a great plan,
good preparation, and lots of fun.  Best of luck and good data,  -Elon

Wed, 17 May 2006 From: "Keith Turk"

(snip. . . ) 10 tests possible without rushing... so here's my plan to use

3.  Windscreen tests

4.  Roll bar covering

5.  Old Hood scoop with new tail section.

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