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RE: 3 litre v-8

To: "Albaugh, Neil" <>, rjhco <>,
Subject: RE: 3 litre v-8
From: Dick J <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 09:50:30 -0700 (PDT)
About ten years ago, Toyota made a 2.8 and 3.0 aluminum hemi V-8 for the 
japanese and foreign market only.  They weren't imported to the US, but there 
are quite a few that made it into this country and are floating around.  They 
made pretty good power, and I've seen one with a set of webbers and custom 
headers. Dimensionally, the motor is about the size of a V8/60 Ardun.  Really 
neat little motor.  
  The British Daimler also had a small hemi back in the fifties.  I saw one 
only last week.  
  in east Texas
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