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Re: SUVs vs lbcs

Subject: Re: SUVs vs lbcs
From: (Damit Dick)
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 1995 16:01:55
On Sunday 3 Sep. Bill Hoskins at sent me the 
following story. I thought it was so good that, with his 
permission, I'd share it with the rest of you. 

Dear Dick -

        Once upon a time, in world far, far away...I had a TC,
well, most of one.  I put it together out of three or four 
wrecks, derelicts, and parts-piles (you know the story - I 
suspect you may have been there a time or two, yourself!) 

sported wire screens over everything I could think of, outside 

"pipes", a genuine, I-copied-it-from-a-picture "Brooklands" 
silencer (no mufflers for THIS lad!), Brooklands windscreens, 
no top, side-curtains, windshield, or any of that other sissy 
stuff, and I'll leave it to your imagination to guess what 
color it was painted.

        At any rate, there was a Social Function that my Lady was
bent on attending (I can't remember now what it was, but it
entailed fancy hairdos, lots of makeup, and I must wear a 
suit.), and the only available transportation was the TC.  In 
the same town, I had a slightly slightly demented friend(sic) 
who owned a TR2.

        On the way to the Function, who should pull up next to us
at a stop-light but guess who?  Light went green, world went 
hazy, and I slightly remember hearing screams coming from the 
left seat. At the next light, I became aware that the screams 
were directed to self, coming from strange-appearing 
individual in left seat - hair very much awry, make-up 
streaked, and bugs in unexpected places on the exposed 
epidermis.  Instructions, couched in no uncertain terms, 
followed, to wit: go directly HOME - do not pass go, do not
collect etc.,...and the heartfelt wishes that I might go to 
jail and other places best undescribed here.  Lady never spoke 

to me again.

        By the way, I won!

Bill Hoskins

Yes Bill, I'd say you won in more ways than one!

Dick :>)
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