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Re: Analogies in Education..

To: Nick Benson <>
Subject: Re: Analogies in Education..
From: "Patrick M. Clawson" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 17:15:01 -0500 (CDT)
Poor Nick, he thinks that because we know about lbc's that we know about 
science.  Little does  he know that lbc maintainance is not an exact science.

* Patrick M Clawson       *
* Eng. Technologist       *
* *

On Sat, 7 Oct 1995, Nick Benson wrote:

> Since this is the newsgroup I use the most, I thought I'd launch this 
> project proposal out to you all.
> I'm currently working on a project with a friend of mine to compile a 
> list of analogies to use in educational settings.  We feel that there are 
> not enough used in classrooms today.
> We've probably all heard the standard "water flow/electrical circuit" 
> analogy, but we want to find as many as possible.
> The subject areas we are looking at are: ALL the sciences, Drafting, 
> Engineering and Math, for kids in seventh through 12th grade.
> All entries will be greatly appreciated.
> Every analogy that we use in our project will be credited to the 
> originator. Also, try to remember the name of the teacher, professor or 
> instructor who first used the analogy so we can credit it to them.
> Thanks,
> I'm interested to see the response to this interesting project,
> Sincerely,
> Nick D. Benson
> Dept. of Industrial Sciences
> Colorado State University
> Fort Collins CO

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