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Re: email spam (no lbc content, mail list administrivia, more than , you

To: Michael Chaffee <>
Subject: Re: email spam (no lbc content, mail list administrivia, more than , you ever wanted to know)
From: Bill D <>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 20:41:10 -0500 (GMT-0500)
Apologies for spamming the lists with this, but I hope it helps someone, 
somewhere.  If, like me, you're on multiple mailing lists on a variety of 
topics, you've likely been the victim of a spam.  Here's how to track it 
down and put a stop to it.

For more than you ever wanted to know, read the newsgroup

On Tue, 13 Feb 1996, Michael Chaffee wrote:

> I wholeheartedly agree.  But first, I suggest we all (each and every one
> of us who still has that piece of garbage in his/her mailbox) reply to
> that address.  Include the original message.  More than once.  Include
> other things, just for laughs.  

Nah.  Mailbombing spammers makes us as bad as they are.  The thing to do 
is to get their feed cut... either by getting their account at their 
provider revoked, or by getting their site's feed cut.

Under some circumstances, the victim of your mailbomb can also pursue you 
civilly and criminally for harassment.

First, send a copy of the email *back* to the poster, with firm but 
polite language that you don't want to hear from him anymore.

Next, to find a spammer, and maybe get him or her removed from the 'Net,
start with doing a whois on the site name.  (gaffa is my local machine's
name... I'm running Linux, for anybody who cares.) What we want to do is
send copies of the spam to,, and  If this guy is an ordinary yutz like you and me
with a shell or PPP account via a commercial Internet Service Provider, or
through work, he will get a warning from his admin, and maybe get kicked. 
If he's on through a work account, maybe he'll get in trouble with his

--- begin included Unix trivia ---

gaffa~/: whois
[No name] (GOODP-HST)           GOODPRICE.COM         
FWIW Distributing (GOODPRICE-DOM)                                GOODPRICE.COM

The InterNIC Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet Information
(Networks, ASN's, Domains, and POC's).
Please use the whois server at for MILNET Information.

--- end included Unix trivia ---

This is  obviously bogus.  In cases where the whois returns bogus 
information,,, and are unlikely to be of help... the spammer is most 
likely the admin of the site where the spam originates.

Time to go one link up the chain.

The next weapon in our Unix arsenal is the traceroute command, which
details the route that IP packets (and therefore mail messages) take to
get from point A ( to your machine (wherever that is.)

A traceroute to reveals:

 1 (  165.653 ms  161.045 ms  149.459 ms
 2 (  229.134 ms  168.94 ms  179.368 ms
 3 (  209.174 ms  218.895 ms  309.516 
 4 (  219.123 ms  198.93 ms  209.422 ms
 5  sl-dc-10-S3/ (  289.096 ms  238.828 ms  
229.374 ms
 6  sl-dc-8-F0/ (  299.21 ms  539.026 ms  609.345 
 7  sl-fw-5-H4/ (  609.108 ms  248.849 ms  
259.461 ms
 8  sl-fw-3-F0/ (  289.135 ms  248.936 ms  339.401 
 9 (  309.267 ms  428.991 ms  
319.309 ms
10  seattle/ (  399.482 ms  319.088 ms  299.329 ms
11 (  309.264 ms  448.986 ms  309.491 ms
12 (  329.008 ms  318.902 ms  299.471 ms
13 (  319.244 ms  409.069 ms  309.404 ms

We're in luck. is a valid site, with a live feed from Time to talk to to inform them
of what one of their customers is doing with the net feed they've

I have sent mail to,, and in hopes of getting this joker's feed cut. 

You can also pursue these methods with any web sites, forwarding 
addresses, maildrops, etc. given in the offending post.

Where you run into trouble is if the person is posting from a forged 
user@host, like the Crusader@national-alliance racist spew that hit last 
October.  *THEN* it's time to look for a forwarding address or some such 
in the post.  FWIW, forged From: user@host is depressingly easy to fake.  
SMTP and sendmail do virtually no authentication.

"Those who would slay monsters must be careful that in so doing, they do 
not become monsters themselves.  For by gazing into the abyss, the abyss 
also gazes into you."

(with apologies to Friederich Nietzsche)


--  (Bill Duetschler)

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  • Re: email spam (no lbc content, mail list administrivia, more than , you ever wanted to know), Bill D <=