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Re: Fuel stabilizer part 2

Subject: Re: Fuel stabilizer part 2
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 00:58:03 -0500
In a message dated 96-03-09 06:49:47 EST, (Michael S.
Black) writes:

>gas vehicles $499.00 installation $50.00
>guaranteed in writing to reduce your CO and HC to almost zero!!
>also guaranteed in writing to make any car pass any state inspection!!
>1 year money-back warranty
>        i am definitely ordering will pass on additional info as I get it

Has it ever occured to you that if this device REALLY worked, the EPA would
be REQUIRING all of us to buy and install it?????????????????????????????????
PT Barnum was almost right, he was just off by a factor of 60. There's one
born every second!
Stop wasting bandwidth with this drivel. Next you'll be telling us about the
200MPG carbs that the guy in the UFO sold you!

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