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A word to the wise ??

Subject: A word to the wise ??
From: "Ken.Strauss" <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 8:17:00 -0500
     This is a helpful hint for all of you other MGB shade tree mechanics.
     Egg on face now ;-)
     I've spent the last year, yes 12 months, chasing a smoking engine 
     problem.  We're talking mosquito fogger deluxe here.  I've replaced 
     rings, Rebuilt hte head, replaced valve seals.... etc.
     Found the *real* source of the "problem" two days ago.  On the later 
     B's  78 - 80 I believe there are two hoses which connect to the intake 
     manifold and carb (which are only about 1.5 inches apart).  One goes 
     to the Servo for the Brakes (from the intake manifold), the other goes 
     to the front-side cover for the valve lifters (from the carb).  If 
     these are reversed you get all that lovely smoke.  NO MATTER WHAT YOU 
     DO !!!!!
     Any way I've succefully proven that I bought this buggy to learn about 
     auto repair :-D
     A bit humiliated, but who cares my B's back on the road !!!!!!!
     1980 MGB
     Perot Systems Corporation

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