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Re: The Price of British Cars

To: "Michael P. Ohleger" <>
Subject: Re: The Price of British Cars
From: Ross Overcash <>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 07:53:38 -0500 (EST)
At 12:46 PM 1/4/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I'll try this again.  If you own a 1980 MGB Ltd. Edition that's fully 
>restored and is black with gold stripes, you can sell it for 
>That's what's carried in an ad in the *Dupont Registry* for January, 
>anyway.  Where do people get these ideas?
>Michael Ohleger
>'67 MGB
>'70 MGB

Because there is always someone who will pay the price!

Ross Overcash, 74B, NAMGBR 2-1172, Ayer, MA.

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