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Re: B.C.W. / Long Island /MG heaven today/Rambl'n

Subject: Re: B.C.W. / Long Island /MG heaven today/Rambl'n
Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 23:47:46 EDT
On Thu, 15 May 1997 20:08:57 -0500 (CDT) (David
Deutsch) writes:(snips)
>Got a little mid-afternoon driving in today and saw a white 70 B 
>rear bumper) in Westbury, a one Rubber Bumper B in Carle Place, a red 
>MGA also in Carle Place, a MGB LE in E. Meadow and a very very nice 
>Midget w/ a decal that said "Sun Runner on Meadowbrook Parkway.

It is now thursday night - I have been driving all week and have seen
precisely  two cars in 300+miles (my colleagues sp****re which barely
counts and a TR6)
I feel thoroughly forlorn and alone...
> Be seeing many of you on Sunday May 18th in Mount Laurel, NJ at the 
>Laurel Falls Show. John Morris ("1FUNMGB" plate on his C.B.74 B) and I 
>are hooking up with Ian Pender in Hamilton Square, NJ for a fun run 
>down 295, any others interested in joining us give Ian a call at 
>609-890-2959, I'm thinking an approx. meet time of 8:15 for an 8:30 
>departure at an E-Z off E-Z on exit. Talk location with Ian it's his 
>neck of the woods. Safety Fast, David Deutsch          
Whilst getting "a pass" two weeks in a row is unlikely at best the GT and
I will attempt the rendezvous!

mike robson
69 roadster
70 BGT
72 roadster
(thought to be the only three roadworthy MGs in Connecticut this week!!)

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