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Re: tree huggers

To: Trevor Boicey <>
Subject: Re: tree huggers
From: Benjamin Ruset <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 19:50:17 -0400
>  I think that's the key point that most environmentalists
>are trying to make. Too many people make decisions on
>"what is best for my family and my car" without thinking
>of bigger things like the earth and humanity itself.
>  I can say without doubt that it would be best for
>my family and my car if I broke into everyone's house
>and stole all their valuables to pad my bank account. Can
>I use this same logic to say that I'll be damned if
>the police try to tell me they know what is best for
>my family and my bank account?

I agree. But I don't think that the enviromentalists have a right to try to
regulate a car that was designed without the tools to operate under current
emissions standards. What's more productive is that they work with
legislators, engineers, etc and come up with a way to reduce current
pollutant levels from new cars. Lets face it - there are more new cars out
there than there are LBC's. And, how much longer will the LBCs be around? I
don't mean to cast a shadow over anybody, but how long can you extend a
vehicles lifetime? All of these cars (and my Mercury!) probably won't be
around for another 100 or so years. So, the impact that the LBC's (and the
whole automotive enthusiast world) has on the enviroment is probably nil.

Sorry for the wasted bandwidth. Send all flames to my private mailbox! =)

Sick of the same old sig...

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