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Re: Help! ignition/carb

To: Blake Wylie <>
Subject: Re: Help! ignition/carb
From: Ross MacPherson <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 14:58:35 -0800
At 04:19 PM 11/22/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Hello again everyone,
>Well, I think that we have finally gotten the SUs tuned pretty close on the


> seems that it runs great while letting it idle, but when you put a
>load to it, something breaks down.  While putting the timing light to it, we
>went down all 4 of the wires just to see how they were firing.  All were
>firing really steady except number 2.  It would miss every few strobes.  We
>found this kind of strange, and it continued to do so even after we replaced
>the coil, and you can still hear that small miss in it when it is idling.
>What can be causing this trouble?  It just doesn't have power when you
>actually get it going.  Any and all help on this will be greatly
>appreciated.  I really need to get this thing going as most of our other
>vehicles seem to be in need of repair.  Imagine MGB being the
>backup vehicle.  :\  
>Thanks in advance.  :)
>Blake Wylie

Hi Blake,

This may not be the case with your car but I've run into it more than once.
You may have a stuck float needle in one of the carbs.  In this case the
engine gets quite enough fuel to idle happily on only one carb but as soon
as you open the throttle the mixture is WAY too lean and she'll burp and
fart and produce almost no power.  If this IS the case the diagnosis and
short term fix is to give each float a solid whap with a non-marring
micro-adjuster or BFH.  The occasional miss on #2 leads me away from this
diagnosis but you never know; it's quick, easy and worth giving a shot.
Good luck.
  Ross MacPherson 
 1947 MG-TC 3528
 1966 MGB-GT   

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