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Re: Sinking feeling about Inter

Subject: Re: Sinking feeling about Inter
From: (James E Kearman)
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 14:58:09 -0500
On Sun, 1 Feb 1998 13:26:47 +0000 "Scott Gardner"
<> writes:
>> > This is "progress." Today's $23,000 Miata won't get you there any 
>> > than the LBCs of years past, but for some reason we associate 
>"more" with
>> > "better."
>James Kearman
>Sounds like someone's viewing the world through rose-coloured 
>glasses.  I don't know what you mean by "won't get you there 
>any faster", but the last time I checked, Miatas didn't have 12.5 
>second 0-60 times or top speeds of 107mph in stock form. 
>Scott Gardner

I was speaking of legal highway speeds. Look at it this way: What's 12
seconds on a 12-hour trip?


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