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Re: Help! Yet another Brake Question.

To: Bert Palte <>
Subject: Re: Help! Yet another Brake Question.
From: Rene and Marion van Maanen <>
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 20:26:35 +0100
Bert Palte wrote:

> I decided, also to replace the brake cylinder at the same time because it
> didn't look to good and this car only has a single-circuit brake system so
> it is very critical from a safety standpoint of view.

Very Wise Bert.

> After trying VERY, VERY, VERY  hard, I finally found a supplier who was
> willing to sell me genuine Lockheed parts

Can you tell us who the supplier was? I will do my braking system this
summer, and want genuine also.


Rene and Marion van Maanen
Netherlands Europe
SOHC #252 (intranet HP)

Honda CB360T ['76]
 Honda CB350F ['74]
  Honda CB750K2 ['75]
MGB GT ['68]

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