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To: Arts Council <>
Subject: Re: UNLEADED
From: Paul Hunt <>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 15:55:37 +0000
Arts Council wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> I'm sure this has already been discussed at length, but I wasn't around
> then... so here is my question. How many listers have actually converted to
> an unleaded head? How many instead use lead additives? And how many just
> say the hell with it and drive with 93 octane unleaded (as I do)? When I
> bought my 71B, I asked the PO what he did and it was the 93 octane route,
> so I didn't change. Any opinions? Am I destroying my daily driver? Am I
> going to burn for sins against my LBC? Or does it really matter?
> Thanks,
> Daniel North
> 71MGB, BRG

BMWs published opinion (for their engines, at least) is that an engine that has 
at least 40k on leaded will retain enough 'soaked' (the memory effect) into the 
seats and 
valves (recuts excepted, but lapping in is OK) to last 'the normal service 
life' of the 
engine.  This may explain why numbers of people claim no noticeable 
deterioration on 
changing over to leaded.


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