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To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Sunday........
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 22:20:35 EDT
Despite having my Riley plans thwarted by leaving the car suspended in
mid air on saturday,I thought i ought to mention the excellent Triu**h
show on sunday in Manchester CT.
Real show weather! hot as hell but mercifully a well stocked soda bar and
some trees here and there for the faint hearted
About 150 cars, spread over a very large showfield and whilst there was a
bias toward Tr..... there was a good showing of other cars as well -
about 8 CBBs, 7 or 8 RBBs, 5 0r 6 As, some midgets and various one-offs
(TVR, Daimler SP250, DB5, AH300 etc) all of which were very well
As you might expect (!) there was only one TR7 able to make it there and
2 V8 parts cars - oops i mean TR8s
I ran into Bill Singleton and his wife who were pondering their TD
restoration, Bill is overwhelmed by the magnitude of it but they were
there to get some courage to find a good carpenter!! - We all know they
WILL do it!! -hehe - All you T folk harass him!!
Nice afternoon!

mike robson
69 roadster (trimming out this weekend!!)
70 BGT (came last or next to last - guess id better buy more votes in
53 Riley (feet back on the ground!)

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  • Sunday........, miker15 <=