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Re: Final word on gearbox reliability

To: Christy Stretz <>,
Subject: Re: Final word on gearbox reliability
From: Bob Stafford <>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 21:59:43 -0500
Good for you Christy!  I've seen men who should not be allowed to operate
any machine with a clutch so gender is not the answer.

At 02:59 PM 3/27/99 -0600, Christy Stretz wrote:
>Dear Mr. Racine,
>I am female, and I happen to drive MG's or any other manual transmission
>than most.  I don't think that women are the cause of gearbox reliability.  I
>am on the list, and lurking, also.
>Christy Stretz
>72 MGB and many other manual transmissions in my lifetime
>Pierre Racine wrote:
>> OK guys, now it's MG gearbox reliability 101...
>> 1.What's the weakest part in a MG gearbox? Well, I know, the engineer who
>> designed it... But alongside with him is the clustergear shaft and the
>> roller bearings. Third in the list is the cluster gear itself, but a very
>> far third...
>> 2.What can you do about it?
>> There are many approaches (is this the right plural spelling?) to that:
>> a)don't let your girfriend drive your MG! I know it sounds "macho", but I
>> know of a girl who blew my gearbox away: my very ...sister! And, really, I
>> NEVER saw a women that drove a MG the way it is meant to be driven. That
>> applies to your mother-in-law, your "ex", your "maîtresse" or whatever
>> woman you are with. Besides, there are much more interesting things to do
>> with a woman in a MG than to let her drive. On that last matter, I suggest
>> that you buy an MGB-GT or, better yet, a MGC-GT rather than the roadster...
>> OK. To serious matters.
>> Well, I am very happy and proud to tell you what I consider to be the best
>> kept SECRET in the the MG world. If there was ever a flaw in the MGB-C
>> design it is IT : there is not enough roller bearings to support the
>> clustergear on the shaft. That's the bad news.
>> The good news is: it's so simple to get over this problem, one wonders why
>> the Abingdon factory didn't do it in the first place in the very first
>> years of production!!!
>> Until the model year 1966 there were 3 roller bearings supporting the
>> clustergear. Then, in 1967, and until 1980, MG added a fourth roller. Proff
>> that they knew that weak point!!!
>> So what's the problem? Four is not enough. Go for six rollers and adjust
>> (ream or cut off) the spacer in order to let space for the two or three
>> additional rollers on the shaft. THAT'S IT!
>> Now if you want to go that extra mile and be VERY serious, get your
>> clustergear shaft tufrided. Some shops can do it, or get it done.
>> And use Red Line MT 90 in your tranny. And drive girls, don't let them
>> drive you...
>> You wondered why the MGB-GT V8 gearbox went off every 6 months? Why your
>> MGC transmission acted as if it was made in the twenties... Now, YOU know.
>> Pierre Racine, Montreal, CANADA.

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