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oldest mg owner

Subject: oldest mg owner
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 14:11:59 EDT
A couple in our club have a late 70s B, he's 86 and she's about 82. They 
participate in many of our drives and other activities. For some perspective, 
for his "mid life crisis" in his 40's , he bought a TD... when they were new!

I'm only 42 but I've had Brit cars, mostly MGs, continually since I was 18. 
The "aging due to love of suffering effect" is probably fair to caculate by 
adding your age to the number of years of britcar ownership... making me 
Of course some spouses would argue the maturity issue... (age)- (number of 
cars current  x number of years in the hobby) = emotional maturity age.
For most of us that would make us young indeed...

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