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Leaky Oil Sump part II

To: "" <>
Subject: Leaky Oil Sump part II
From: Enrique Claure <>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 19:49:50 -0400
Hi list, took the sump out today (no biggy) and found out the cause of the 
leak.  It turns out that the washers (plain) I used on the bolts that hold 
the main bearing caps are too thick. Thus, after I torqued the bolts down 
they very slightly protruded above oil sump gasket. When I tightened the 
sump bolts the gasket was crushed on the bearing cap bolt allowing oil to 
leak out.

I have the following questions:

1. Is it OK for me to change the washers on the cap bolts on my engine 
while the engine is mounted,          so long as I re torque the bolts again?

2. Is it OK to use plain steel washers? I did not read anything specific or 
special about these washers. I plan on using strong washers but not so thick.

Thanks a million guys, Enrique

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