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Re: A show, a show but where?

To: "Barrie Robinson" <>, <>
Subject: Re: A show, a show but where?
From: "RL Chrysler" <lchrysl@fhs.csu.McMaster.CA>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 23:52:19 -0400
>Barrie Robinson asked:
 I used to take my superb Austin Healey to an MG organised show somewhere
> south of Buffalo (off Interstate 190 ?)  It was enormous with every
> possible make represented - even Detroit stuff.  It had great awards -
> pweter plates - and I have few.  Can someone tell me where it was, if it
> still happens, and do they still give pweter plates away????  I want to
> take my MGB V8 down  (when it's finished!)

The show was the old show at Victor, N.Y. sponsored by the Victor Lions Club
and the MG Club of Western N.Y.
This show was moved slightly further east, only by a few miles, and is
always still held the 1st Sunday of June. I haven't been the last couple of
years since it moved, but I understand it's still a superb show, with about
1000 LBC's plus Detroit iron, street rods, etc.
Maybe someone else on the list can fill in the exact location, etc.
I also have a few of those lovely octagon pewter plates from my previous
Rich Chrysler

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