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Lafayette, IN 1964 MGB FS: 200 clams

To: mgs list <>
Subject: Lafayette, IN 1964 MGB FS: 200 clams
From: Jon <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 13:03:08 -0700 (PDT)
No lights, no top, body "shot", engine and tranny out
in unknown condition, old style (not rosstyle) disk
wheels, "lots of parts".

I've seen it sitting on a trailer near my house and
I've been trying to catch the owner out of curiosity.
I don't know him or any details about the car. I can
find out more if anyone is interested. $200.00 for
those who don't speak FF:-) Said he's about to "scrap
the body", so you can probably talk him down.

BTW: Lafayette is 1 hour North of Indy on I-65.


|No automobile should have to go|
|through life looking like a    |
|Microsoft pointing device. What|
|are today's designers thinking?|

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