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Re: Excel sport coil

To: "Dan Dwelley" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Excel sport coil
From: "Ptegler" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 13:23:44 -0500
Hi Dan,
stick an ohmmeter across the + and - terminals.
If its above 2.5-3.0 ohms you don't need a ballast

Yep, you can regap the plugs to 030-035 to make use
of the extra spark energy delivered by the coil.

I'll lay odds, when you installed your GM harness in the car
you didn't layout the ballast wire that normally feed the coil
after startup.

The 6 volt coils (<3 ohms) use a ballast wire in the harness
or an external ceramic resistor     +12V is applied during 
startup (start key position) then they supplied roughly
6V during normal running conditions (key on position)
the 6 volt drop comes from the V drop through the ballast resistance.

Hence...your present 'hot' coil.

Paul Tegler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Dwelley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 12:46 PM
Subject: Excel sport coil

Hello all,

The coil in my 1500 Midget is too hot to the touch. I guess it's time to
replace it. I picked up an Excel Sport Coil (mod. 8140c). It doesn't say
anything about requiring a balast resistor so I'm guessing I don't need one.
Has anyone had any experience with this brand coil? Should I re-gap my plugs
from .025 to something larger like .035? 

Thanks in advance for your input.


Dan Dwelley
77 Midget
Alexandria, Va.

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