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Vacuum Advance Quick Reference Table

To: <>
Subject: Vacuum Advance Quick Reference Table
From: <> (Scott Regel)
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 13:54:52 EST
This site has a great table that breaks out what should be ported and what 
should come off the manifold per distributer:    At least it made things clear for me.

---------- Original Text ----------

From: "Charley & Peggy Robinson" <>, on 2/1/2001 8:22 PM:
To: SMTP@AST_SE4-1@Servers["R. O. Lindsay" <>]
Cc: SMTP@AST_SE4-1@Servers["Ptegler" 
<>],SMTP@AST_SE4-1@Servers["Barney Gaylord" 

  That's what I was getting at.  There are lots of different # 25D4
dizzies around.  Sounds to me as if you want the #40897 and carb port,
based on your statement that you planned on "spirited driving around
town."    I infer that you want midrange torque and don't plan to rev it
much over 5.5K. Since that implies full-throttle acceleration, I see the
centrifugal advance being the more important of the two because of low
vac at wide open throttle until the revs build up.  That means a short
advance curve and not too much total advance.  If you want more total
advance there are other dizzies.....  I presume that you have the #41288
since I don't see a #41228 in my books.  The specs on it are very
similar to the #40897 if you take the median of its specs, IE: 13 to 17
deg @ 1,600 is +/- 4, so hopefully it'll be 15, the same as the #40897. 
Only a dizzy machine will tell.  

  Ain't this fun?



"R. O. Lindsay" wrote:
> Ptegler wrote:
> > ...snip
> >
> > So ...just because you  rebuilt everything to spec for your model year
> > doesn't mean it's the best setup for your aging toy.
>    This is EXACTLY my point in asking the original question.
> I want the BEST settings, not the period CORRECT settings.
>    My distributor on my '70 B-GT with the 18GH engine is a
> 25D4 #41228 using a 5-17-10 vacuum unit.

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