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Head swap latest + tyre pressures

To: "MGs (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Head swap latest + tyre pressures
From: scott beavis <>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 10:12:42 +0100
Will hopefully be swapping the head this coming weekend. I de-valved the
spare head a fortnight ago and put it in for a 20 thou skim. The engine shop
couldn't do a proper 'crack test' so instead they chemically cleaned it and
visually inspected it. I collected it last saturday and it looked good. All
the old black paint was stripped off back to bare metal and the chambers and
face were gleaming. I cleaned the valves with oven cleaner and then used
fine wet 'n dry with them in the pillar to get them to really shiney
stainless. I wasn't sure what colour to paint the head. The old one was
black and the block is black, but it shows signs of being red once, and is
covered in oily grime. So, I went for bright gloss red laquer. Looks the
biz, so I'll refit the valves tonight hopefully and then swap the head over
this weekend. Need to get a head gasket. The local motor factors don't stuck
many B series bits as too old, but they did have a head gasket last time I
swapped the head, much to my suprise. I'll attempt to paint the block red
where I can get at it. When the engine comes out eventually I'll get the
block stripped and painted properly.

Another thing which I am puzzled about at the moment is the tyre pressures.
With the front tyres at 30psi the steering is very heavy. They need to be up
around 35psi to make driving vaguely comfortable  (and other car
doesn't have power is a lowered mini with wide tyres and
negative camber arms and even that is easier to steer that the MG).


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