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Floor Boards

To: <>
Subject: Floor Boards
From: "David Tinker" <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 21:55:47 +0100
Hi Everybody,
I am in the process of sorting out the floor boards on my TF restoration. I
have only one floorboard and its for the passenger side ( RHD Car ). Can
someone confirm that the basic outside shape is common to each side of the
car ( except for the various recesses machined on the underside ). Also the
plywood  thickness, mine is around 10mm.

Does someone have a picture or sketch of the firewall plate ( the sloping
flat metal plate that transmission cover bolts to ). Mine appears to have a
piece cut out of it at a point underneath the starter bendix spring and
where the forward edge of the  floorboard ( should ) be supported.

Any info greatly appreciated.


David Tinker. Wales UK

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