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Re: What DIDN'T get done...

Subject: Re: What DIDN'T get done...
From: (Matthew Trebelhorn)
Date: Tue, 08 May 2001 16:07:44 -0400
I sent a note that started with picking the radiator up at the shop on the way 
home from work on Friday.  They said it would take 2 days, tops, so I gave it 
to them on Wednesday -- even if it took 3 days, I'd have it by the weekend.  
Well, at 4:00 on Friday, the radiator shop calls and tells me it will be done 
"real early on Monday".  


So, only about half of the weekend's proposed work got done -- I pulled the cam 
on Sunday (the old one was, in fact, pretty wiped on #1) and put the new one in 
with a ton of cam lube; and buttoned all of that back up.  

But, since I didn't have a radiator, I couldn't put it in, and therefore 
couldn't bed in the new cam.  Monday, it rained after work.  I think today I 
will try to get a little bit of painting done in the engine bay, and leave the 
radiator for tomorrow.  We shall see.


"R. O. Lindsay" <> wrote:
> Hi Gang,
>    Remember last Friday when I posted a question regarding
> what we're going to do on our LBCs over the weekend?  You
> guys sent lots of notes about all the great things that were
> in the queue.  Good stuff.  

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