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what's your 62-67 MGB water temps?

Subject: what's your 62-67 MGB water temps?
From: dave houser <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 19:09:25 -0700
To those folks with early MGBs:
Trying to get an idea of what other folks' cars are running at compared
to my two b's, 64 and 67 BGT.
I've got 160 degree thermos and find on a day like today, the temp was
around 190 in the roadster. Thinking my GT with only 750 miles on new
engine and running the same, as too hot. No boiling over, water loss or
other overt hot signs.
Guages checked out fine with external thermo tests.
What think?
TIA and cheers,
Dave Houser

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