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Thanks where due.

To: <>
Subject: Thanks where due.
From: "Rick Lindsay" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 14:43:29 -0500
Hi Gang,
   One of our list members, Bud Krueger up in New 
England responded to my plea for a replacement glove-
box door for my '79 MGB LE.  It seems that he just 
did some replacing and had the door extra.  For the 
price of shipping, Bud sent the door to me late last 
week and it is EXACTLY what I needed!  He even 
included the KEY!
   Bud trusted me and shipped the door the day after 
I confirmed that I wanted it.  My check to him is in 
today's mail. :-)

   Thank you Bud, for the door and for the trust!


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  • Thanks where due., Rick Lindsay <=