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Re: OT on Pop Density!! - Now Cruise Control

To: MGS <>
Subject: Re: OT on Pop Density!! - Now Cruise Control
From: Eric <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 01:11:26 +0930
Dan DiBiase wrote:
> The Netherlands as about 1,000 people per square mile. So you can
> imagine what OUR highways are like here in the Garden State!!!

And overall, Australia is listed as the sixth LEAST densely populated
country with 6 (yes, 6) people per square mile :-) Of course then you
break it down to cities and you have Sydney with 10,437 people per
square mile.

Still, that leaves you with a lot of long, lonely, lovely roads outside
of those few coastal cities and, to get back to the point, some great
'cruise-control drives' where the dangers, however, include roaming
livestock and is falling asleep at the wheel!

Highway 1 which circles our country covers EVERY conceivable facet of
driving censity.

I prefer to remain in full control of my little car even if I am driving
for hours at a time.

Adelaide, South Australia

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