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Re: Epa limits

To: "Dave Wood" <>, "mgs" <>
Subject: Re: Epa limits
From: Eddie Sheffield <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 11:51:15 -0500
On Monday 17 December 2001 11:31 am, Dave Wood wrote:
> When I lived in Virginia in the late 50's we went to a local
> garage and had a safety inspection before you could register your car.  I
> don't recall how often that was as I was a teenager at the time and always
> needed something on my car fixed before I could pass the tests.  That makes
> more sense to me, although it would cost more now than the fee attached to
> air quality testing that we have in Oregon.  

Just curious, what part of VA were you in? I wasn't around in the 50's, but I 
know in the 70's the safety inspection was every 6 months, and at some point 
it was upped to every year. Cost is $10 now. I have to admit the quality of 
the inspection varies. I'm originally from southwest VA and If you took 
(well, even today) your car to one of the "good ol' boys" for the inspection 
it may amount to "turn on your lights, turn on your wipers, honk the horn - 
you pass". Heck, I even knew a guy who ran a junkyard/garage (using the term 
loosely) where you could just go by, tell him the VIN and tag numbers, and 
he'd sell you the sticker - never even looked at the car. He did get caught 
though. My dad always did his own "inspection" before taking it in anyway, so 
he usually caught any problems before taking it in and that they probably 
wouldn't have found anyway.

Just had the Midget done a month ago. Passed no problem, but when I got home 
with it I found out one of the backup lights wasn't working - the plug had 
come loose from the housing. Either they didn't catch it or something in the 
trunk shifted and knocked it loose when they took it out of the garage.

1971 Midget - "Bebop"

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