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Re: Bits and Pieces (no not the song!)

To: Barrie Robinson <>
Subject: Re: Bits and Pieces (no not the song!)
From: "G.G. Causey" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 15:29:20 -0800
> I have subscribed to the Autojumble list but I seldom get anybody saying 
> they have bits for sale - or even anyone asking for bits.  Do we, as a 
> group, not do this sort of exchange.  I want the switches from the servo 
> assist brake unit, - and I have some spare dashes and a recover bit - But 
> the Autojumble seems fast asleep.  Should I be subscribing elsewhere? - and
> don't say eBay!
> Regards
> Barrie
> Barrie Robinson

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