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Re: 1500 for sale

Subject: Re: 1500 for sale
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 07:57:11 -0800 (PST)
Bullwinkle SEZ -
>                                        The 1500 engine is the least
> desirable engine of the lot.  So what you have left are some dubious
> wire wheels, a transmission, rear axle, some front suspension
> components, and a hard to sell 1500 engine.

As someone who's car came with a PO-installed 5-main MGB engine,
I'll be happy to take an "undesirable" 1500 engine off anybody's
hands!  :-)  I'm keeping the 1800 in for now (having just rebuilt
it) but I want to acquire the pieces necessary to re-originalize
it in the future if I decide to go that route.

David Breneman                     
Distributed Systems Software Analyst

DHL/Airborne Express
3101 Western Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121

Phone:  +1-206-830-4253
Fax:    +1-206-830-4432

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