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Re: sputtering- dying

To: "MonteMorris" <>, "MG list" <>
Subject: Re: sputtering- dying
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 09:48:38 +0100
The fact the tach was jumping all over the place with the spluttering
indicates it is an ignition LT problem.  Usually this would be a bad
connection, but in your case it could be water shorting things out.  The
ignition is fed from the white (unfused ignition) circuit, not the green
(fused ignition), but the green does feed things like the power to the tach
(which wouldn't affect the running of the engine) and the turn signals etc.
As others have suggested remove the distributor cap and check inside is
clean and dry, and if that doesn't do it connect a voltmeter to various
points along the white circuit like the ignition switch, fusebox, coil
+ve/SW to see if it is the supply side that is failing, if not it could be
the connections to the distributor or the coil itself.  Original coils had
rivetted spades and these work loose over time, they were replaced with stud
and nut connections in the late 70s.


----- Original Message ----- 
> I took it to the car wash and on the way home it started missing and
> when making a corner and downshifting to second it died. I noticed as it
> missing (and dying) the tach was jumping all over the place.... (sometimes
> the tach and turn signals die for a while after taking it to the car wash;
> I've  found that the problem seems to be a wet connection by the firewall
> the green wires but it usually dries out and then is fine).

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