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Re: When Armstrong shocks go bad...

To: Joseph DeLuca <>
Subject: Re: When Armstrong shocks go bad...
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 17:22:27 -0700
Joseph DeLuca wrote:
> >>  Hi folks - As I was tooling along over the wkd going kerrrr plunk over 
> >>  road seam, the thought occurred to me " would I know if my rear 
> >>  needed replacing?"
> >>  Thanks,
> >>  Dave (oh my aching back) McCoy
> Hello Dave,
> That's an easy question to answer because my Mog needs rears shocks right now.
> I know this because the filler-nut on the top of the rear axle is trying to 
>wear away a hole in the wooden hatch directly above it.
> also, the driveshaft rubs more loudly than ever on the driveshaft tunnel.  It 
>rubs somewhat in the best of times on hard cornering, but 
when the shocks are flo
> Before replacing the shocks, however, check to see if the $*&% Whitworth nuts 
>that hold them in place are tight.  My continually come 
adrift to the point where
> The current market price for rear Armstrong levers are:
> Morgan Spares: 518-789-3877
> $199 each for new from Morgan factory
> $107 each to rebuild your shock (about 2 week turnaround - UPS permitting)
> $117 each to rebuild with heavy duty valving (very stiff)
> Olde Worlde Restorations 215-947-8720
> Price unknown - Penny didn't return my phone call from yesterday, but in 
>addition to new shocks, she sells a Spax tube shock conversion kit.
> Does anyone know a cheaper source than Morgan Spares?
> Joe DeLuca
> Sparta, NJ
> '62 yellow 4/4Joe-try Bill Fink at Isis (415-433-1344).Last time I was out 
>there (about 
a year ago,admittedly) he had a boatload of lever shocks he had taken off 
new cars to replace with tube shocks and was selling them for $75 
each-quite a deal.
        Jeff Smith 1967 4/4

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